Bloody Knife

find no love in flesh, but only weapons. the ones that do the most damage. there is no peace in life, but only death in death. if i believe good wombs have borne bad sons, then i have no qualms using my blade.


  • name yingxing ✦

  • alias blade

  • role stellaron hunter

  • pronouns she/he/it

  • typology isfp 4w3

  • alignment lawful neutral



carrd / insta ✦



hello! i like a lot of things and love listening to people talk about their interests! i am good with spitballing theories and character concepts... a return in that interest is appreciated. so i promise i do not bite! i edited the images and edits for this carrd by myself. you can call me by anything, alias wise really. i'm a system and how i'm addressed is kind of blurry and wonky half of the time, so i just don't really gaf anymore


i usually do not plan ships unless i have written with you before, at least once, platonically. as for polyamorous romances, i prefer that all muses involved are written only by me and my other, singular rp partner. i've had bad experiences involving more than one rp partner in polyam ships so if that's a route you're interested in i'm just letting you know beforehand !! [:


i do not like plotting dynamics in which i am doing all of the work. canon-divergent interps are always welcome, and so are ocs !! throw me anyone really and we can come up with something silly. no prominent triggers other than preferring spoiler / content warnings for the obviously potentially disturbing content.


i will only write with people who are 18+. sometimes i can reply late, as i am a busy bee who is a college student. i also struggle with personal things and may simply not have the energy to talk about rp all the time. if i reply late to things, it isn't your fault and if i lose interest i always say something, so don't worry !


i would consider myself well-versed in writing NSFW. although, i will always prefer there is a dynamic established beforehand. the thing i enjoy about smut is exploring what it could tell you about a character and their mannerisms, as well as the bond shared. i do focus on that within my responses if there is enough substance. as far as kinks go, nothing weird. just use common sense. i'm not too keen on smut oriented rps unless i know you or am already attached to the dynamic.


i like developing romantic relationships at an even pace, especially if certain characters are less romantically inclined than others. of course, the time characters may have known each other beforehand will also be taken into account. all the same, i do not like rushing things. i don't usually plan ships but if i have enough surefire interest i may agree or extend an offer.


my characters are all trans or NGC . i am very divergent from general gender expectations and i don't tolerate people who have qualms with such sentiments . also if you're one of those weird people who are hard-stuck to a certain character versatility or obsess over the concept of tops vs bottoms without a good reason or explanation, i do not care for you. leave me alone. boo. boring. i also really don't care what your opinion is on my identity headcanons if it's negative, so cry about it.


hopefully this plethora of standards and boundaries doesn't come off as pretentious! i promise i can prove to be friendly, and i love hearing other people's insights when there's base to their conclusions (: other notes include that i tend to mirror literacy . nothing below semi-lit unless it's a quick rp / banter . i usually do try to reply every day , or at least consistently. however, you know how life is. things happen. people get busier.


i am full of hurt, full of anger, and i just need somewhere to put it. i am so sick of carrying it around, so i let myself give in. i let it take over my voice. i let it take over my entire body.


  • name yingxing ✦

  • alias blade

  • role stellaron hunter

  • prns she/he/it

  • identity bigender, transmasc

  • species unwilling immortal

  • formerly luofu's swordsmith

  • birthday april 6th , aries

  • identity biromantic

  • notes transmasc, intersex

Summary ;

As the insidious poison of higanbana lingers, my essence morphs into a chasm, a simmering crucible of seething resentment. The mantle of vengeance, akin to a ponderous, leaden shroud, enshrouds my being, extinguishing the legacy of my genuine self.With every stride taken in the relentless pursuit of retribution, I edge closer to the abyss, wherein I risk transmuting into the very obscurity I abhor – a somber reflection of my inner torment.I've been hollowed by the weight of my experiences, and now, I transcend mere humanity, embodying the essence of a relentless and unyielding blade. i am no longer human. i am but the sentiment of a blade. those who do not know me should consider that a good thing.


personality : grief is just love with no place to go. blade grieves his former self, and the peace that would have followed if he was simply left to die. honor is something highly cherished within the society he had grown up alongside. unlike most xianzhou natives, yingxing had never bothered to mask his strength or douse himself in humility. but, that legacy of his was mutilated by his revival. others do not discern yingxing from blade, unless they had been face to face. people had mainly known him as an arrogant man with a hunger for forging. blade is no different, isn't that true? to drag his sword along hard ground and shatter its surface , not caring for the mark he leaves on this world any longer β€” so long as he can find peace in death. ships have been bled dry by his call for retribution. at one point, yingxing of the luofu had been regarded as someone of great makings. it was all due to his heart imbued with passion for craftsmanship. day and night became ambiguous as he continuously tinkered to forge the weapons of the ex-quintet. the adoration and fervor that was threaded into each spindle of these munitions have been polluted by his resentment towards those of the past. while some old "companions" continue to harness the gifts that yingxing tailored for them, the memories are contorted due to anguish and animosity. was it so wise to grant an opportunity for vengeance to someone endowed with an arrogance & indignation that, even in the wake of mortality, left him awake for many nights?

though his hands have been battered and can no longer forge a weapon, his heart, which once yearned for excellence, has now turned into one filled with acrimony and forsakenness. blade has abandoned the name of yingxing, his concept of self fading from his mind. his newly wed curse has now engulfed him with its greedy maw. admittedly, his recall of the events that have happened to him are been muddled by raw resentment and bitter sentiments. although he has been " blessed " by the abundance, every fiber of his being rejects the air of existence. he does not belong here, for blade is no better than a ghost : each breath is followed by an agonizing, subconscious acknowledgement that he is no longer human. he is no longer who he was, only a monstrosity that is nourished by gluttony. but, gluttony towards what, one may ask? this body grows weak without feasting, yet it will resurrect all the same ... it is a gluttony towards life ; each time he falls, his body echoes the bellows of melding sinew. a metaphorical altar envelopes his eternally reanimated corpse to weave back extracted tendons & cure tattered organs.

no one could dream of any hellscape akin to blade's. it's laced him with a contradictory air of pessimism, for even now, he aspires towards the optimism of his own death β€” a sweet release. as of now, his body has written out his fate for him : to live on. as endless as his life is, so is the pain that comes with it. blade will claim to be a lone wolf, and yet he still finds himself amongst people all the same : first the high cloud quintet, and now the stellaron hunters. despite his personality proves to be disagreeable at times, one could say that he recognizes the strength which comes in numbers when working towards a common goal.Β blade does not talk all that much to outsiders. on the xianzhou, there was a popular sentiment : "one showing is worth a hundred sayings". yingxing never quite boasted, preferring to allow others to gather his talents and refined character. it speaks more for oneself if others are to grant praise without provocation. to this day, blade abides by such. on the contrary, it is only fair to wish to be seen as well. perhaps the most human attribute which remains close to his heart is his silent wish for company, despite his attempts at isolation and outward disinterest. when the mara does not plague him, his voice is but a mellow song : perhaps there is still a gentleness in him that is yet to be properly nursed. although there is a thirst for blood β€” justice β€” woven into his soul, it's imperative to take notice of how he behaves like a wounded animal, baring his teeth and casting away onlookers.


A light ivory deepens to obsidian as yingxing blade is swallowed by the plague of immortality upon each reawakening. thousands of weapons have braced this tattered body of his, none of which have succeeded to halt this never ending nightmare. the woman whom was once his mentor has now become his condemner. where was once home is now a prison to torturous memories. he is now a criminal rather than a token of honor. the era of yingxing was accompanied by a characterization that could only sprout from hardship. being a short-life species on the xianzhou luofu was a complication that he nurtured a pride dor, alongside his resentment for the abominations of the abundance whom overtook his homeworld.even as yingxing, blade aligned himself with vengeance. the borisin may craft creations that transcend even the most audacious dreams, but blade's capabilities extend far beyond mere achievement β€” all out of pure spite. it's a spirit that gained the favor & respects of many, and is a trait that is carried with him in his new life. fascinating that the abominations of the abundance were the source of his homeworld's demise, & now he is one of them. to evolve into the very thing he scorns, that is the life of the blade. was the potential revival of " the beloved " worth it in the end ? he had forsaken the very purpose he'd aligned with. now, blade is shrouded by distorted recollections and a shiny vendetta to go with it.while it is both kafka and elio who eventually find blade, it is his favor towards elio which finalizes their shared affiliation. perhaps, it was the cuteness of its tiny maw, or the flick of its whiskers. who knows ? you might just need to ask him yourself ! in current time, blade is a stellaron hunter who is motivated by the promise of a funeral for himself and everything ( or everyone ) that he loathes. already a slave to immortality, he is now a slave to destiny too.

Roleplay Sample

RP EXAMPLE : She didn't anticipate that she would be visiting the Xianzhou Luofu once again, and within such a short gap of time at that. Ever since Jing Yuan and her had begun to "" hash "" out, it seemed that a string would tie her to the ship. As a matter of fact, each happening feels like a butterfly effect. First the marketplace, and then, Jingliu. Events inevitable to tether them together, whether they both liked it or not are beginning to pop up. If there is one thing that Blade believes in, it is fate and karmic dues. This is all meant to be.A visit so she can serve as a confidant. It really does feel like their exchanges warped into historical artifacts β€” spitting images of the past. The corridors of the building are conjured from jade intricacies, an air emitting a warmth akin to homemade meals. When the quintet would settle in a circle amongst themselves and together trace their thoughts out in the stars. That coalition has been left in ruins. People are forced to pick up muddled pieces if they ever develop a curiosity, and rarely do those fragments even form a whole plate, let alone a fracture-less element."Jing Yuan," she greets at the entrance of the office : a small overarch rather than a gated room.His back is turned to her, and it appears that there is no response at first, for whatever reason. Perhaps he hadn't heard her somber yet deep whisk of the larynx, or he had dozed off. So, Blade knocks. Loudly, with a three-beat rhythm. She is lugging a cloth-bag of ingredients, the usual "" don't-look-at-me "" attire cloaking her face. Except, she sets the bag down to pull off the face mask and sunglasses, stowing them away with the culinary produce. For the first time, Jing Yuan received the leisure of seeing the entirety of her face. Once-grey locks had darkened to a deep blue hue, healthy nails fallen to necrosis and sickened to obsidian. How could he still possibly see Yingxin in this tattered body β€” no β€” corpse Φ΄π–€ 


his wounds give rise to spider lilies. click this link for an example. when injured, blade's regenerative power triggers a captivating process: delicate tendrils of spider lilies unfurl from wounds, interweaving with damaged tissues. these tendrils release potent enzymes, swiftly expediting the healing. as time flows, spider lilies flourish, weaving an intricate network expediting internal and external healing. beyond regeneration, the lilies bring solace, easing pain and inflammation. gradually, higanbana limbs merge with blade's form, an integral part of his unique being. this exceptional regeneration not only visually enthralls but embodies blade's eternal resilience. she will not rest until those who have wronged the laws of life taste the sting of justice. although she moves swiftly on her feet, the only echoes left by her feet being silence, she has quite a peculiar call for her presence. blade has a proclivity for whistling if he wishes to announce or amuse himself. the tune is similar to that of death from puss & boots : the last wish (click for audio sample). it is an eerie line of notes which may call for goosebumps. how peculiar it is, that it's spurred folktales of a large man with an unforgiving nature β€” scaring children who may stay up too late or wander off. he's left an indent on many planets. perhaps his legacy shall remain longer than he would have anticipated. now, isn't that lovely? blade is not only a forger who has left his blessings of resilient weapons to the remnants of his high-cloud quintet, but also a sculptor. indeed, it was him who crafted the stone lion in remembrance of jing yuan's lion companion, snowmoon. many traces such as this remain on the luofu, echoes of yingxing's influence. truly, it will forever be even blade's home, no matter where he goes, its roots and past shall follow him like a shadow.

blade experiences a unique phenomenon known as pain synesthesia, where physical sensations intertwine with vivid sensory experiences. when injured, the pain triggers a cascade of sensations that extend beyond the physical realm. he might perceive bursts of color, hear harmonious or discordant sounds, and even experience fleeting tastes or scents corresponding to the intensity of the pain. furthermore, when blade witnesses others in pain, his synesthesia extends to experiencing their anguish alongside with them. while this experience could be overwhelming, blade has learned to harness it to his advantage. he's developed the capability to associate specific sensory cues with varying levels of pain. by training his mind to focus on these sensory responses, he's able to detach himself from the raw discomfort and maintain his strength during battle. indeed, the man's senses are as sharp as his tongues and daggers. naturally, it has gifted him quite the ability as a chef. blade tends to cook meals for the stellaron hunters, even if he has had to adjust in a few ways due to one of his hands' limitations. in a way, recreating tastes and cuisine from his homeland can bring back surprisingly fond memories. maybe this is why he often uses it as a means to self-soothe. likewise, his love languages tend to involve acts of service. blade is used to measuring usefulness within himself, and cares to improve his loved ones' quality of life. he is a little averted to physical touch with most people, due to viewing his body as an epitome of his suffering.

blade towers at 6'6, a mighty presentation matching an even more magnificent build. with each encounter, his tattered muscles break and then rebuild to fortify thicker mass. it is to the point that his bust and biceps have sculpted to threaten the buttons which encompass his chest, potentially bursting by the seams. what was once the elderly body of yingxing has now rebirthed into that of an inhumanly resilient weapon. he is light on his feet, so much that people have joked about getting him to wear a bell. long & dark hair cascades past his shoulders and defined waist, hued by a crimson that hints at his initial, twisted fate. the veins lining his eye-sockets and vulnerable aspects are notable, alongside the many scars outlining past altercations. but, it doesn't matter. him and his sword may need sharpening due to their endless endurances, but it's of no concern to him. his frame has a preference for lithe movement, and he rides a starskiff that is similar to that of a motorcycle. devastation would certainly overwhelm yingxing, to come across his vessel β€” cursed to be immortal. although the same person, blade feels more like a reincarnation of an alter ego. after all, he took such pride in being a well-accomplished short-life species, claiming to himself that he has accomplished far more than what his long-lived peers may β€” even once he has died. none shall surpass him, and his name will be engraved in high regard. akin to a comet, or shooting star, brief but magnificent ... to yingxing, he'd consider this dream tarnished. in contrast, blade's feelings have blunted so much that he may feel apathy despite his buried grievances. oh well. it is not as if he has all that much to remember, anyways. aside from those past faces which haunt him...

he was known as handsome in his original lifetime, given that impassioned expression & eloquent face. despite his shift in hues and palates, these features remain the same. yet, something involving the mara denies blade a proper look at himself in the mirror. his face proves muddled and blurred. everyone's face is blank from his perspective, because he suffers from prosopagnosia. many of his hallucinations lead to misconceptions when in tandem with such an impairment. furthermore, shuhu's gift can cause blade to hallucinate his loved ones. he believed he had lost all understanding towards the worth of companions, living a lifeless life, until he had come to learn of a few gifts which still remain in the world. the first blessing happens to be the stellaron hunters. the second blessing, is a diting he had met after escaping imprisonment from the luofu, per jing yuan's aid. it seemed to quickly grow as fond of him, as he had so for it. so now, it accompanies him, although he is rather protective of it and often leaves it to rest in his quarters. speaking of the xianzhou luofu, although blade does not always recall so much, the aroma of its teas weave faded memories. thus, she took the time to steal some imported teas β€” quite a fan of whale-tide spring & emerald hills. furthermore, blade enjoys the spiraling clouds of the beverage, which grants an earthy tone of flavors that cleanses your palate. yingxing was also musically gifted , and blade carries on the intuition of this skill , capable of playing the suona. it is a traditional double-reeded chinese instrument β€” long used for ritual , wedding , military , and funeral purposes. click this timestamp , it depicts how the suona sounds β€” pay attention to the high & shrill notes.